Klarina Personal Blog Theme

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Klarina Personal Blog Theme

We publish a new theme for a personal blog, we call it Klarina. The Klarina theme is clean and fast for those who want to build a personal blog.

Klarina has a clean list of blog posts without a sidebar on the front page and detail page. We put the sticky profile of the blog owner on the side of the blog content and it is interesting with the social media icon under the profile section.

  • Fast, simple and responsive theme.
  • Categories appear automatically in the main menu and footer.
  • Page menu and Lates post appear in the footer menu.
  • Sticky profile with photo, social media and description in Sidebar (Desktop only).
  • Search functionality (require activated). 
  • SEO Friendly.
  • All major browsers fully supported (IE 9+).
  • Feature image with an optional caption (figure).
  • Clean blog list in homepage.
  • Responsive image and youtube video in blog post.
  • First Download the klarina.zip.
  • Extract the 'klarina.zip' file.
  • Upload the 'klarina.zip' Folder in /bl-themes.
  • Sign in to your Admin panel (yoursite.com/admin) and go to the Themes Tab.
  • Activate 'klarina.zip'.
  • Start using it.
Set up Custom Field

Add the script below in the Custom Field area.

    "figure": {
        "type": "string",
        "label": "Figure",
        "tip": "Insert your title image."
    "youtube": {
        "type": "string",
        "placeholder": "Write a YouTube video embed link",
        "label": "YouTube"
Youtube Video

You can put Youtube videos on your blog content by doing this:

1. Activate the plugin Custom fields parser

Admin panel > Sidebar > Plugins > Custom fields parser > Activate

2. Edit the plugin settings, you can see there is a textarea for the custom field youtube, add the following iframe for the custom field.

<div class="embed-responsive embed-responsive-16by9">
<iframe class="embed-responsive-item rounded" src="{{ value }}" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay" allowfullscreen></iframe>

3. The variable {{ value }} contains the value from the custom field defined on the page. Create a new page and write a YouTube link in the custom field youtube.

Admin panel > Sidebar > New content > Options > Custom > YouTube

4. Add the following YouTube embed link.


5. Now in the content of the page, you can define where will be the YouTube embed video, for example:

Hello, check out my latest video.
{{ youtube }}

After that, you can go to the new page and see how the embed video appears inside the page. Now you can create a new page and set a different YouTube link and the parse will show the embed code with the video.

This plugin avoids change the embed code on each page where you have an embed video.

Learn more about Custom Fields here

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Klarina has a clean list of blog posts without a sidebar on the front page and detail page.

Personal Blog
May 10, 2021
712 Download Live preview

 Bootstrap v5.0
 License MIT
 Source Github

Support us to keep working

Klarina Personal Blog Theme is a free theme. You can use this theme for your business. We hope that the links to Bludit CMS and our website remain in the footer to appreciate our work.

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BlThemes creates a free theme for your Bludit website. We create simple and fast themes for your digital business.

About BlThemes

Studio: Kuta Utara, Badung, Bali, 🇮🇩 Indonesia
Contact Us: hello@blthemes.com

This website is created using Bludit CMS, Bootstrap v5.3, Fontawesom and illustrations from icons8.com

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