DOOO is a free theme for the Bludit website. This theme is suitable for community websites and corporate blogs. This theme still supports version 3 of Bludit and doesn't support version 4 yet
.Technology {background-color: #e9e0fb;color:#8857ED;text-transform: uppercase;}
Do you have a Bludit website and want to re-design it to make it look fresher and more up-to-date? We have the solution for you.
If you are interested in re-designing your website or creating a new website for your company or business, contact us.
hello@blthemes.comBlThemes creates a free theme for your Bludit website. We create simple and fast themes for your digital business.
Studio: Kuta Utara, Badung, Bali, 🇮🇩 Indonesia
Contact Us:
This website is created using Bludit CMS, Bootstrap v5.3, Fontawesom and illustrations from
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