Cumioo! News Theme for Bludit CMS

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Cumioo! News Theme for Bludit CMS

What I love about Bludit CMS is that they make customizing a theme very easy. Even though Bludit 4 is currently out, I believe there are still a lot of Bludit 3 users. So, to continue to appreciate their work, I'm still building a themes for Bludit 3.

  • Fast, simple and responsive theme.
  • Categories appear automatically in the main menu
  • SEO Friendly.
  • Tags list on sidebar (Topics)
  • All major browsers fully supported (IE 9+).
  • 1 Feature image with title.
  • Responsive image
  • First Download the
  • Extract the '' file.
  • Upload the 'cumioolatest' Folder in /bl-themes.
  • Sign in to your Admin panel ( and go to the Themes Tab.
  • Activate 'cumioolatest'.
  • Start using it.
How to setup 404 Error page?
  1. Login to your admin page
  2. Create a new page with the title 'Error 404' (/error-404). Click Options > Advanced > Type : Static and in Template enter "error.php" click Save
  3. In sidebar go to Setting > General > Advanced Tab
  4. In Predefined Pages fill in Page not found with '404'
  1. *open 'head.php' add script from Fontawesome You must have an account to get the script.
  2. *open 'index.php' add script from Addthis
  3. *open 'page.php' add the Addthis script to display the share button.

*We have already marked where you put the scripts

User profile
  1. Click the 'Users' tab select 'Username'
  2. In the 'Nickname' column, enter your name or the name of your team
  3. In the 'Firstname' column, fill in the title such as, Contributor, Author, Journalist or Admin
  4. On the tab 'Profile Picture' add your photo. The right size is 500x500px
  5. open 'page.php' add class on '<img>' like class="rounded-circle" in line 45 on profile picture
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Cumioo! is the best theme for News website.

February 28, 2022
672 Download Live preview

 Bootstrap v5.0
 License MIT
 Source Github

Support us to keep working

Cumioo! News Theme for Bludit CMS is a free theme. You can use this theme for your business. We hope that the links to Bludit CMS and our website remain in the footer to appreciate our work.

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Do you have a Bludit website and want to re-design it to make it look fresher and more up-to-date? We have the solution for you.

If you are interested in re-designing your website or creating a new website for your company or business, contact us.

BlThemes creates a free theme for your Bludit website. We create simple and fast themes for your digital business.

About BlThemes

Studio: Kuta Utara, Badung, Bali, 🇮🇩 Indonesia
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This website is created using Bludit CMS, Bootstrap v5.3, Fontawesom and illustrations from

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